Friday 30 October 2009

Books which I have been using for information on my topic

The Non-designer's Design Book by Robin Williams

Everywhere I tend to look I find the rules for using type and how page layouts should be designed.
When at the beginning of this project I was finding it hard to come across them, they now find me!!

Thursday 29 October 2009


Erik Spiekermann's theory on typomania is becoming a great help towards my research.

Sunday 25 October 2009

Peter Bilak - Illegibility

"Right and wrong do not exist in graphic design. There is only effective and non-effective communication."


10 Web Type Rules

1. Read through the text yourself

2. Dump Lorem ipsum as soon as possible

3. Show a clear hierarchy

4. Pay attention to both macro and micro typography

5. Take care with type colors

6. Get serious about your CSS

7. Ditch the centered text

8. Deal with smart quotes and other symbols

9. Plan for your text to get larger

10. Show a preference for sans serif

Typography Rules | Typesetting Guidelines

1. Use Only One Space After Punctuation
Stop using your computer like a typewriter.

2. Don't Use Double-Hard Returns After Paragraphs
Let your software do the spacing.

3. Use Fewer Fonts
Tone down the type and improve readability.

4. Use Ragged-Right or Fully Justified Appropriately
Find out how to choose your alignment.

5. Use Centered Text Sparingly
There are only a few instances where centering works well.

6. Balance Line Length with Type Size
Make sure you don't have too many or too few word on each line.

7. Use All Caps with the Right Fonts
Stop shouting and use capitals properly.

8. Use Proper Typographical Punctuation
Finetune quotes, apostrophes, and other punctuation.